
IFRS 9 and Basel 4 not so final

IFRS 9 and Basel 4 – Not so Final?

Read this article to learn more about how IFRS 9 and Basel 4 need to flexibly co-exist for long term risk management stability
October 5, 2023

Dealing with Black Swans in Thailand from an IFRS 9 Perspective

October 5, 2023

IRRBB Considerations During and Post COVID-19 Crisis

October 5, 2023

IFRS 9 Replacement Case Study

September 6, 2023
Case Studies

Automating Credit Risk Reporting

September 6, 2023
Case Studies

The Risk Function of the Now: The key to thriving in a vastly digitalised economy

July 18, 2022

ESG Stress-testing: What should Financial Institutions be looking out for in 2022?

January 26, 2022

How Trim Raises the Bar for Internal Models

August 10, 2021

Preparing for CIFRS 9- Trends, Benefits and Successful Implementations

July 6, 2021

Basel IV eBook

June 17, 2021

Current and future impact on the IFRS 9 provisioning for financial institutions in Thailand

May 27, 2021

How Streaming Technology Will Change the World of Risk: The End of the Batch Process

Batch processing has long been a cornerstone of the banking industry, but it is with limitations. Streaming Technology has emerged to revolutionize real-time risk management.
September 1, 2020

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