For true balance sheet management

How we can help

Credit-Adjusted ALM

Deposit Modelling




Scenario Model


Dynamic Balance Sheet Model

ALM.NXT re-imagines the traditional tools for managing the balance sheet and evaluating business strategies.

Today’s business environment has reshaped the way banks approach ALM strategies. The traditional ALM focus was on managing sensitivities to market factors through an analysis focused on product decisions like new product launches, rollover decisions, investment decisions, etc. Today’s reality requires multi-dimensional scenario models, where sensitivities to new dimensions like climate exposures, geographic exposures, etc… are critical to any business strategy evaluation process, including the interconnection between the typical ALM risk (interest rate risk and liquidity risk) with credit risk have become focal points.

The novel multi-layered balance sheet view is at the heart of ALM.NXT. This capability brings banks from a single by-product Chart of Accounts view to a layered view of the balance sheet, e.g. by-geography, by-sector, … This enables banks to flexibly configure dynamic behaviors and simulate countless business scenarios for optimized formulation of business strategies.

Adapting business strategies to recent years' erratic economic movements with a multi-scenario, multi-year, and multi-dimensional dynamic balance sheets is becoming the
norm of the future.

Navigating Changing Financial Conditions with Modern ALM Tools